Covid invites itself to Copacabana: special “Brazil”
Brazil: A country of the future and one that will remain so (General De Gaulle)
Brazil: A country of the future and one that will remain so (General De Gaulle)
Beware of certain figures (number of cases, deaths…) that are highly questionable because they vary from country to country (e.g. availability of tests), with measurement biases and therefore major under-reporting in some countries.
Compare what is comparable: “reanimation” cinetics in Italy and China (Hubei)
6 million cases C () stated historical, 340 k deaths (up 5% of fatality) of which about 40% in Europe and 30% in the USA.
360-degree analysis: What’s the minister going to do? 3 questions about the
risque risk/benefit of the Lancet study.
They are only one part of the three-dimensional equation: Economic (priority) – Liberticide (individual/collective freedom)
Chloroquine: not enough to make a new “Dreyfus Affair”, but our team confirms its position.