USA – A still uncertain balance sheet

USA (1.2 Million cases currently reported):    An East-West gradient and still 20,000 new cases and 1000  deaths  per day.

I am thankful to the many companions of the road (more than 26!), who at one time or another have contributed, under my direction, to the development of this website.

Dr. Guillaume Zagury, based in Shanghai, a specialist in international public health and health innovations, comments for the Community on a day-to-day basis on the evolution of the epidemic for more than three months, and provides  a first-of-the-art  understanding on its “country and region analysis” and predictable consequences (experiments of SARS in 2003 and Covid-19 in China).

A remarkable multidisciplinary volunteer team allows the realization of this analysis which is intended to be factual and objective (by the way, do not hesitate to join us: mail below):”every success is collective”.”. 

Beyond the volunteer skills, this project was made possible by the support of our citizens’ vision patrons: the Paul Bennetot Foundation (Matmut Foundation under the aegis of the Foundation of the Future), B Square, Tag Advisory, Daxue Consulting, as well as various fellow travelers (Jérôme, Dr. Benoît  Rossignol,Gilles  Langourieux,…)
All our illustrations created  for more than 100 days, are available to you on our website and you can download a large part of them. (

I. COVID 360 “MINUTE”: graphs and maps (80% of the information)

I.1 France D.Day – 27 days (cf incubation of the disease – 20 days) and Europe:

The dynamics of indicators  still green in France (200 k historical cases since the  beginning) : 

170 hospitalizations and less than 1000 patients in  reanimation

I.2 Europe: no second wave in countries who lifted restrictions before France

Note that some countries (Greece, Finland, Ireland…) declare certain results only on a weekly basis.

I.3 World – size equation : still around 115k daily new cases reported

Geography of  C(+)currently  declared:   Let’s say that the Hubei is not “frozen”…

Prevalence World: Top 10 Countries (attention data – dependent test):  The US on the shelf and Latin America in epidemic phase

New daily cases “Top10” countries: always Brazil and USA (20k cases / jr)… let’s keep an eye on the BRI…

Trending figures in the US allow us to see an end to the crisis in the long  term


II. World:

Beware of certain figures (number of cases, deaths…) that are highly questionable because they vary from country to country (e.g. availability of tests), with measurement biases and therefore major under-reporting in some countries.

II.1 Overall prevalence:

Time approach: 8 million historical cases

Geographical approach: Connected megacities on the front line

II.2 Incidence: 120 000  new cases detected yesterday

Still more than 100k cases  reported  yesterday

III. Detail space  time  vision:  

III.1 Cases declared:

III.2 In terms of mortality, Brazil is also in the head:

The West is the first victim, to  date, with about 3/4 of the 400,000  victims:  USA (30%)- UK/Italy/France (10%) –  Rest of EU (15%)

III.3 Evolution  of  mortality/day according to time and space

One quarter of the cases currently reported (1.2 M) and one third (115k) of  global  mortality,  mainly affecting major urban centres



Our “Covidminute” team provides you with the “Covidflow” interactive web pags (accessible on the link below), displaying multiple metrics on the epidemic for over 200 countries as well as the American states.

Keep in mind the “3M reflex” (Hands-Masques-Metre) to get protect and “reflex 4M” (Hands-Masques-Meter-… Minute) for frail people… but above all to protect the most vulnerable.

Confidence and solidarity for this collective struggle

Dr Guillaume ZAGURY

“All success is collective” thanks to:

o The entire “GCMN” (Global Covid Medical Network) “Medical” team: Dr. Bachir Athmani, Dr. Marc Abecassis, Dr. Mohamed  Fadel, Dr.  Emily Kara, Dr. Jean Michel Serfaty, Dr. Ibrahim Souare, Dr. Jonathan Taieb …) that allow this project to exist,

o The entire data analysis and IT team: Carole Gabay (“Data Analysis Expert”), Richard Coffre (exceptional webmaster), Flavien Palero (digital manager), Mathieu Bouquet (for his contribution passée)

o The whole “Communication” team (Flavien Palero, Laetitia, Marie, Alison…): without whom this project would not have been possible.

o All the historical financial patrons (Jérôme, Benjamin Denis and the Consulting Company B Square, Benoit Rossignol, Arnaud Bricout and TAG Advisory and Gilles Langourieux, Sabrina Rocca…) who work for “Citizen Actions”

o We also thank the Paul Benetot Foundation

If you feel like a patron or partner to fund development

computer (all the others have been volunteering for 130 days!), don’t hesitate to contact me (

Also, our team, although partly based in Shanghai, will be delighted to welcome you