I. COVID 360 “MINUTE”: graphs and maps (80% of the information)
I.1 France – à After 55 days of confinement and J6 of deconfinement, déconfinement
the number of new hospital cases is 350.
I.2 Vision time: we follow Italy with 10 days lag
Comparative chronological evolution of resuscitation cases France/Italy
I.3 France – Forecast for deconfinement:
resuscitation beds available (the issue from 16 May because about 5 days of incubation on average):) available capacities in case of second wave.
I.4 Europe: a three-speed but encouraging Europe:
no second wave observed in countries ahead of us
I.5 Epidemic mapping (reported active cases):
nearly 50 active “Wuhan” activity and 2 outbreaks to monitorLatinAmerica (youngpopulation) and Russia (older population)
I.6 World: Brazil (17,000 new cases reported yesterday with the same population as the United States), is gradually joining the USA (21,000 new cases)
I.7 World – outcome indicator – mortality / 100k individuals: 3 levels observed
II. Analyse 360° :
Ⅱ. A The world C (+ ) space/time in 1 click (https://eng.covidminute.com/dashboard/): our latest innovation Covidminute
II.A.1 Subject: a “Minute” information
From the public base “Worldometers” references (sinceFebruary 29).).
Vision in time of different parameters:
- Some relatively objective (casesinresuscitation, death,…)
- Others more questionable: because test-dependent (like reported cases), or has under declaration (such as out-of-hospital cures in France…)
II.A.2 Result: An informative visual for 150 countries
- On countries without the current epidemic phase: ex Japan (700 deaths in 3 months while this country holds the world record of centenarians). This helps to understand the industrial and collective preventive measures undertaken,to limit the impact of theepidemic..
- On epidemic épidémique countries: the US
II.A.3 Some limitations in collecting relevant information:
For example, for France, we are waiting for more accurate data on confirmed cases outside the hospital. As a reminder the classic map (red/greene) classification of departments,, is based solely on data from hospitalisation (and emergency roomvisits). Phad elements are currently provided, on suspected cases treated by general practitioners, (tested or not, confined to the home,,),and whose cure is notcounted.
In those cases,we mention it on the map.
II.A.4 Scope of extended application to U.S. states:
-Inthe USA it is the states thati have control over health(justas in Europe, those are the Member States that manage the health risk)..
– Thus, the study on the strategies stratégies undertaken by each state (Republican/Democrat, démocratepolitical power/medical médicalpower) will be interesting to interpret..
II.A.5 Interactivity: the dynamic vision allowed by this software, allows a ludo-educationalapproach.
II.A.6 In total:
A team effort that mobilized all our skills: medical, research and data collection, computer science…
-Of course,this is the first version, which will be completed and improved over time..
-Don’thesitate to come to us,, to complete and transform the essay…
II.B/FRANCE: cf Minute Analysis
II.C/ EUROPE: A Europe has three speeds:
-An East-West gradient:
Ⅱ. D WORLD: LatinAmerica tops tête new daily reported cases déclarés
With the contribution of Dr. Bachir Athmani, Stéphane, and Carole Gabay, companions of the first hour, whom I thank again for their unwavering support.
Beware of certain figures (number of cases, deaths…) that are highly questionable because they vary from country to country (e.g. availability of tests), with measurement biases and therefore major under-reporting in some countries.
II.D.1 Prevalence: 2,593,000 active cases confirmed for observation
II.D.1.1 Vision time:
II.D.1.2Space Vision: The Americas in epidemic phase épidémique
- World: cf “minute analysis”
- Continent: America (54%) – EU/Russia – Middle East
- Top 10 countries
United States 1,077 M (yesterday 1,071 M)
Russia 206k (yesterday 202k)
UK 200k: figures to be confirmed
Brazil 132k (yesterday 124k)
France 91k (yesterday 91k)
Italy 70k (yesterday 72k)Peru 58k (yesterday 55k)
Spain 57k (yesterday 58k)
India 54k (yesterday 51k)
Turkey 36k (yesterday 36k)Netherlands 37k? (Yesterday 38k?)
II.D.2 Impact: 92,000 new cases detected yesterday
Timeline: timeview
By continent: Latin America (30%) – USA(25%) USA ( – Russia – Middle East – Europe
By country: cf minute analysis.
United States 21k (24k yesterday)
Brazil 15k (15k yesterday)
Russia 9k (11k yesterday)
India 5k (4k yesterday)
Peru 4k (4k yesterday)
United Kingdom 3k (4k yesterday)
Saudi Arabia 3k (2k yesterday)
Chile 2k (3k yesterday)
Pakistan, Indonesia, Iran, Qatar, Kuwait, United Arab Emirates, Bangladesh, Belarus, Turkey, Ukraine, Spain, Italy, France, Germany, South Africa, Canada, Mexico, Colombia, Ecuador: 1 to 2k
- Space
- Time: 4.5 M reported cases déclarés
Source: John Hopkins
You can find multiple data on the site: www.covidminute.com in the resources section.
Keep in mind the “3M reflex” (Hands-Masques-Meter) to protect yourself and “reflex 4M” (Hands-Masques-Meter-… Minute) for frail people (and caregivers)
… but above all to protect the most vulnerable.
Confidence and solidarity for this collective struggle
Dr Guillaume ZAGURY
- “Allsuccess is collective,”thanks to:
- the entire “GCMN” (Global Covid Medical Network) team: Dr. Bachir Athmani, Dr. Marc Abecassis, Dr. Mohamed Fadel, Dr. Jean Michel Serfaty, Dr. Ibrahim Souare, Dr. Jonathan Taieb, ,,…) that allow this project to exist,
- the entire data analysis and IT team: Carole Gabay (“Data Analysis Expert”), Richard Coffre (exceptional webmaster), Flavien Palero (digital manager),Mathieu Bouquet (for his past contribution)
- the entire “Communication” team (Flavien, Laetitia, Marie, Alison…): without whom this project would not have been possible.
- all the historical financial patrons (JeromeJerome, Benjamin Denis and theConsulting Company B Square, Benoit Rossignol, Arnaud Bricout and TAG Advisory and Gilles Langourieux, Sabrina Rocca,…) who work for “Citizen Actions”
- We also thank the Paul Benetot Foundation
- If you feel like a patron or partner tofinance it development (all the others have been volunteering for 88 days!), please contact me (guillaumez888@hotmail.com).
- Also, our team, although partly based in Shanghai, will be delighted to welcome you … because it’s not the work that’s missing…!