Deconfinement: a picture is worth a 1000 words
World: almost 100 000 deaths and more than 1.1 million active cases
World: almost 100 000 deaths and more than 1.1 million active cases
Connection between two pioneering and innovative players: CovidMinute and TrackVir present a global platform
“CovExit”: to get ready now, in order to not suffer
Where is the health system in Ile de France, and more generally in France (CovidScore ©)?
Italy (D30 Post Containment) & France (D20 PC): the measurements have a mathematical impact
SYSTEM APPROACH = “COVID MINUTE” TABLE: West, 360 * turn on masks (= mobile confinement)!
Measure the global responses of countries using our exclusive “Covid-score” table
France-Italy: same fight ?