Read here the articles published at regular interval analyzing the situation with the Global Pandemic.
- COVID IN 6 MINUTES: the new express format of CovidminuteWORLD DYNAMICS: “the more we test, the more C + we have” EUROPE: Epidemic recovery but no 2nd wave FRANCE: “Living with & civic attitude”
- “Positive return”: 6 good reasons to be optimistic (including doubling our CovidScore)WORLD DYNAMICS: 30M cumulative cases declared & 830K deaths in 8 months. EUROPE: A EUROPE OF REGIONS
- A turn rather than an epidemic mirage for the world?FRANCE: The parents of the young C (+) of today, may be the hospitalized of tomorrow … ECONOMY: Solidarity because France is particularly affected VACCINE: All vaccines lead to humans (continued)!
- Being C+ in 2020, has nothing to do with being HIV in 1990 …WORLD: 20 M cases declared since January and around 300K / day currently (dependent test) EUROPE: a relatively positive situation … but of varying geometry
- All vaccines lead to Rome: a vaccine shouldn’t have a flag!WORLD: 20 M cases declared since January and around 300K / day currently (dependent test) EUROPE: a relatively positive situation … but of varying geometry
- USA – When epidemiology joins politics: a surprise for the end of October?Of the 6 strategic states (“Swinging States”), the 2 in the South (Florida, Arizona) are particularly affected by the health crisis (Florida: 7,500 deaths)
- A virus that is not predictable, a second wave to avoid, and 3 epicenters (US-India-Brazil)3 “epicenter” poles USA-India – Brazil (50% of Latin American cases)
- The Indian subcontinent: future epicenter?India with an obvious under-declaration, is to be observed very closely (fortunately very young population).
- “Living with”: the “3M” more relevant than ever….Individual measurements (Mask, Hands, Meter) are becoming topical again in collective enclosed spaces.
- In France, let’s go out “covered” (in risky circumstances), and watch out for the “South”With the arrival of winter in the southern hemisphere, watch for the 3 BrIcS (Brazil, India, South Africa)
- Will Winter be hot? Let’s watch the southern hemisphereAt the global level: the detected cases reaching peaks (150-200k) in many countries (India…), but the daily mortality remains “stable” (less than 5000 deaths)
- USA – It’s not a party …watch out for the dependent test indicators: more cases declared (see tests …), but a priori in younger subjects…
- WHERE WILL WE GO GREEN THIS SUMMER?This slide is explicit for a global vision, but watch out for the dependent test indicators: -USA – more cases declared (cf. tests …), but the number of daily deaths remains nonetheless falling and resuscitation is at a high, but stable level… … Read more
- The USA in a rather favorable plateau…No stabilization yet on a questionable data (= C + resuscitation beds), but let’s not forget that the USA is on the scale of a continent.
- Covid – “Living with”: half marathon or marathon?“Warming up” with a current prevalence of 3.5M of official cases, and a record incidence of 183 k new cases declared yesterday (see more wide spread tests…)
- USA: Red in blue (watch out for statistical biases!)Beware of shortcuts: thus, the Democratic states are mostly those of the big cities connected, and therefore more even to present an epidemic balance more “nuance” compared to those of the “South” and “Middle West” American ….
- France: it’s time to move on!2 Million historical cases for the US (including just over half 1.15 M still under observation)
- USA – A still uncertain balance sheetUSA (1.2 Million cases currently reported): An East-West gradient and still 20,000 new cases and 1000 deaths per day.
- The “Covid Free” countries: small… but honored today!Latin America still in the epidemic phase, trend slowdown (new cases and daily deaths) in the USA.
- 3 Months of fever in the West: natural history (Asia, Europe) of a new virus?The West is the first victim, to date, with about 3/4 of the 400,000 victims: USA (30%)- UK/Italy/France (10%) – Rest of EU (15%)
- More deaths in New York (30k-20M people), … that in all of France (29k – 70M people)7M cases reported in the last 6 months and 400 k deaths
- After the health front, then the economic front, will the social front, be the last straw for President Trump?Record number of officially recorded cases yesterday (150k/d)
- Current epicentre Brazil (new cases and daily deaths): get out of this blaze as quickly as possible.World: more than 3.3M confirmed cases under observation, 40% of them in the US
- The French football, also late in war, must re-identify…The Foot needs to “spread” itself, and let’s see some elements of discussion:
- The Western world still on the front lineWorld: USA-Brazil-Russia-UK
- The BRIcS … without China!A virus difficult to anticipate: Under Indian Continent and South Africa?
- THE BRIcs in the epidemic phase: let’s monitor the Indian subcontinentThe BRIcs are coming: after Brazil and Russia, will the Indian subcontinent (under a problem declaration) become an epidemic hotbed?
- Viral dynamics: too much in the West… Is it the East?World: 3 Million observed cases
- Covid invites itself to Copacabana: special “Brazil”Brazil: A country of the future and one that will remain so (General De Gaulle)
- The second wave will be above all economic: recovery to avoid the crisisBeware of certain figures (number of cases, deaths…) that are highly questionable because they vary from country to country (e.g. availability of tests), with measurement biases and therefore major under-reporting in some countries.
- Brazil passes the United States (number of daily cases declared)Compare what is comparable: “reanimation” cinetics in Italy and China (Hubei)
- The 3 Dynamics in progress: a “visual minute”Containment: one of the major measures
- Winter in Latin America warms the virus….6 million cases C () stated historical, 340 k deaths (up 5% of fatality) of which about 40% in Europe and 30% in the USA.
- Hysteria Collective Questionnable (HCQ): the “Clasico” in numbers!360-degree analysis: What’s the minister going to do? 3 questions about the risque risk/benefit of the Lancet study.
- Middle Empire and Mask Diplomacy: the boomerang effect?360-degree analysis: Mask-to-test diplomacy
- Globally: record day, but no second wave observed to date.What about a potentially second wave?
- COVEXIT: France, a score in the average … nothing moreThey are only one part of the three-dimensional equation: Economic (priority) – Liberticide (individual/collective freedom)
- Chloroquine, “Expert vs. Expert”: Trump and Covidminute maintain their position.Chloroquine: not enough to make a new “Dreyfus Affair”, but our team confirms its position.
- A week that will dictate what happens next…A week on which the return to freedom will depend: understanding the 3 points to watch
- Save time with CovidFlow : The interactive C(+) World and with 1 click … Including America” ( COVID 360 “MINUTE”: graphs and maps (80% of the information) I.1 France – à After 55 days of confinement and J6 of deconfinement, déconfinement the number of new hospital cases is 350. I.2 Vision time: we follow Italy with 10 … Read more
- Europe, cradle of microbiology and vaccines, relayed to be spectator of the match: “USA-China”?Let’s make no mistake about fighting, Economic Health is now… vital
- Let’s get back to health … economic growth!Latin America and North America, have the same number of new daily cases
- Information im-MEDIA-te (time), global (space) and … without a filter!Different players adapt to socio-technological changes (continuous news channel, Social Media) in varying ways
- “INFODEMIE”: COVID TO THE MEDIA HOUR 4.0 (paper, radio and television, internet, social-media/mobile)Media creates “the epidemic of the show”: 24/24 and live
- SPECIAL USA (J108 of the 1st case): The alliance of the virus and the President: “how to turn a health disaster into a political victory”?”Less than 6 months from the November 3rd elections: the economy will make the election, even if the health record will be unfavorable
- D.Day:”Deconfinement Day”in France: gradually and monitoredLet’s Stay Modest: Scientific Time To Test Media Time
- The Covid apparently follows the 12-week rule (historical observation rules)Dr. Guillaume Zagury, based in Shanghai, who specializes in international public health and health innovations, comments for the Community on a day-to-day basis on the evolution of the epidemic for more than three months, and provides a first-of-the-art understanding on its “country … Read more
- GOOD MORNING ASIA: projecting in 2 months, understanding China of deconfinment“HAVE THE FILM IN THEWORLD”: Normal life resumes its dynamics 3 mois after the first cases
- Covid, model of “Silver pathology” for the “Silver economy”Pathology that primarily decomposes seniors, their organizations, and their countries
- TIME IS OUR FRIEND….Serene look to the future
- Special “D100: Africa”: The civilizations of the sun spared by their demographics (65 years – 90%of deaths and 70% of hospitalizations)?To Africa indirectly protected from the Covid, by its human development index (very small proportion of 65/ northern countries)?
- Special “Great North”: Scandinavians in the spotlight despite different strategiesWHO congratulated Sweden on its crisis management: crise : intra-European and intra-Scandinavia panorama
- D.Day (“Deconfinement Day”): J-7 … recall stingWORLD: Russia in epidemic phase and Africa surprises us
- Western democracies (including France) tested by the Covid : individual (ideological) or collective (sanitary) freedom, which prevails?World: At the global level: India for the first time in the top 10 incidences (new cases / day): let’s follow the BRI (Brazil-Russia-India)